My quest began with trying to pinpoint possible triggers to my son’s terrible allergies (besides from our two fuzzy, freeloading felines). I started researching food dyes and quickly learned that I have been poisoning myself and my family by trusting that everything in the grocery store is safe. Thanks to “Big Food”, "Big Pharm” and loosely based government regulations we are being poisoned for profit. Follow me to protect yourself and loved ones from the Super-UNnatural! Natural is easy!
Ancient Energy Alchemy...Crystal Elixirs and other Earthly Oddities!
Visit my Etsy shop to find these Energy Bottles and more... Everything is Energy...and...Energy is Everything! Use it wisely. User...

Protecting yourself from the Super-UNnatural isn’t easy, there are toxins lurking almost everywhere. Choose ORGANIC whenever possible/afford...
I love Lawry's Seasoned Salt, it always seems to add just the right touch whenever it seems like a recipe isn't 'quite right...
Can’t wait.